Jobmania rules, abilities wiki tutorial
Jobmania abilities
  • Jobmania rules, abilities wiki.

    Murhpy's law - replace all green 'unknown' inside the dunge with purple 'unknown' instead.
    No power chests - replace all power chests inside the dungeon with traps instead.
    No levels up - jobs no longer level up after chapters end.
    Protection - all monsters gain passive - protection.
    Spirit expert - apply spirit effect to all basic skills with no exiting race effect, and increase the effect of existing spirit skills to 40%.
    Spirit - deal 25% more damage to spirit targets, and healing skill are 25% more effective if user of the spirit race. Increase both damage and heal to 40% if upgraded.
    Protect - block damage from direct attack.
    Overloaded - consume x actions and repeat the ability X times, where X is the user's remaining AP. Enemy monsters gain extra 1 times.

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    Exhaust - this ability can only be used once in each combat. If it is a hero ability. It will have 2 extra turns of cooldown instead/ enemy monsters will use this as threshold ability only once, but the effect does not apply to their random actions.

    Dark ability - boost damage dealt and healing by 1% for every dark element on self. If opponent has light element or depress. Increase damage dealt by 20%.

    Beast expert - apply beast effect to all basic skills with no existing race effect and increase the effect of existing beast skills to 40%.
    Beast - deal 25% more damage to beast targets, and healing skill are 25% more effective if user is of the beast race. Increase both damage and heal to 40% if upgraded.
    Injury - deal 3% less attack damage for each stack. Max 8/upgrade 15 stacks. Lose half of the stacks at the end of turn.

    Jobmania manage abilities: insane, hp cost

    Insane - suffer 8% damage based on target's intelligence for each stack at the start and end of each turn. Suffer the received stacks' damage instantly if gained during the user's turn.
    HP cost ability - for abilities that cost HP, the player has higher multiplier than enemy monsters.
    Combo blend - this ability does not give combo count normally. Instead, if the stat combo is not zero, increase the current stat combo counter by 1.
    Blind - attack has 15% chances to miss for each stack and receive more damage from light attacks.
    Burn - for each stack, take 5% damage based on Max HP at the start of turn and receive more damage from fire attack. Suffer the received stacks' damage instantly if gained during the user's turn.
    Humanoid- deal 25% more damage to humanoid targets, and healing skill are 25% more effective if user is of the humanoid race. Increase both damage and heal to 40% if upgraded. Agility buff - temporarily buff agility by 20% for each stack.
    Charge - increase the damage by 30% for one action.
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