Hack Wrath of Belial cheats code tablet bug mode
Wrath of Belial
  • Cheats Wrath of Belial hack android: keys, vip, gift box code, evolve, sacrifice, transcend, gems, hearts, epic hero. Wrath of Belial hacked game bug codes android, ios.

    Hacked Wrath of Belial android, ios

    List of letter secret codes in the cheat game:
    hack free summon - caut2i;
    epic hero - atta8R ;
    unlimited keys - char6n ;
    hearts - Warr5h ;
    gems - drage0 ;
    evolve, sacrifice, transcend - enteEt ;
    gift box code - obtaW9 ;
    vip - YourK8 .

    Wrath of Belial android, ios hack codes

    I bring shame to my name! icould not protect the village for the invading monsters. We can still stop these monsters! But we'll need reinforcements, blast, here come more beasts! I will destroy them and avenge the village. To move, drag your character to the desired location and lift your finger. Touch the anywhere in the field to move selected hero. To attack, drag your hero to the monster and lift your finger. Touch the enemy character to initiate the attack. To heal, drag the healer hero to the target hero. Attack heroes and ambush characters both have high attack attributes, but they're vulnerable due to low defenses, so use them with caution.

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    Hacked version, cheats codes - contact us: The United States of America (USA) New York City, 228 Park Ave S, NY 10003-1502

    Welcome android game Wrath of Belial! Warrior, let's head to story mode. There, we can level up heroes, obtain epic items, and acquire additional heroes. In story mode, there are 35 acts, and each act contains 3 stages. Warrior, keep in mind that each time you enter a stage, the number of keys shown in the top left will decrease. Don't fret, this battle will mostly proceed in automatic mode. Warrior, though the battle continues in automatic mode, you can still move, attack, heal, and use skills at will. You can use heroes as materials to enchant other heroes. know that the number of enchantment points you get depends upon the target enchantment material heroes' rarities. Gold - amount of money you can obtain in story mode or multi mode. Use gold to enchant or transcend your heroes or enchant. Gems - buy at the shop or hacked cheat code. Use them to buy heroes, items, gold, keys, or buff items.

    Secrets cheat gameplay Wrath of Belial android codes: select the healer, and drag her back to herself to heal. Every hero has a unique hero trait. View it in the hero information window. Log in everyday to receive rewards to the left. The calendar resets on the first day every month. Keep your main party stocked with elite heroes fore hero wars and spars. It's most beneficial to assign a hero with strong defense at slot 1. Priest have a weak defense but can provide healing. Priest will be most safe at slot 4. When heroes reach level 30, they are awarded 35 gems, these gems are only bestowed once per unique hero. keys stamina costs to enter story mode. Your keys decrease each time you enter, you recover 1 key every 5 min, or hack cheats code. Hearts - exchange hearts with friends and buy multiple items with hearts you obtained.

    how to enter hack cheats Wrath of Belial.

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