Hack Save the kingdom cheat code gem gold
Save the kingdom code
  • Secret cheats Save the kingdom codes: hack panel

    Gift redeem pass #Save-the-kingdom

    CLick to buy a tower. Drag to merge tower. You can more the tower anywhere. Now, defeat the enemy to victory. Select a new ability: meteor shower - summons 2 meteors, dealing AOE damage. Rage thunder - summons lightning to randomly attack 2 enemy. Rain arrow - rain of arrows deals 300$ damage all over the map. God's shield - creates a shield that protects troops, equivalent to 20% of maximum health.
    how and where enter cheats code
    Author: Solarios
    About company, location
    title: Cheat Save the kingdom hack codes
    Published contact: The United States of America (USA), 228 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10003-1502, US
    Categories: GAMES HACK #Save-the-kingdom

    HOW & WHERE ENTER (tap >here<)!
    Hacked version, cheats codes - contact us: The United States of America (USA) New York City, 228 Park Ave S, NY 10003-1502

    starter pack - iH8jF6XUD

    Unlock battle pass - RuKY5d6oM. Unlock the battle pass to be able to receive premium rewards without ads and lots of attractive rewards.

    Off ads - zY9jGPriN

    silver chest - Tj9CENUf5. Contains one normal or rare or epic.
    royal chest - rXXwlYSHH. Contains one rare or epic or legendary. Surely receiving for epic or legendary after 10 times of opening.

    14000 gems - BOwcVkN5a
    12000 gold - XlagVkLOw
    unlimited energy - qwFCQYaXe

    kAuiUNExi - upgrade swordsman: he is the bravest man on the battlefield.
    2R0P1AJCe - archer: she has a knack for archery, hitting every hit.
    qsSqb0kUR - guard: he is man of iron and endurance.
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HOW & WHERE ENTER (tap >here<)!

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