Hack Zombero cheat code - archero hero shooter
Zombero archero hero shooter code
  • Secret cheats Zombero archero hero shooter codes: hack panel

    Gift redeem pass #zombero-archero-hero-shooter

    eDKYUhUGR - shoot faster;
    ElR3ItyzV - shoot extra projectiles diagonally forward to the left and right of your main shot.
    WRkxWhmvR - electric charge damages target and nearby enemies when you hit your target.
    tg1i958T5 - your projectiles hit your enemy and then ricochet into another target.
    XvDHWNbgl - your projectiles freeze enemies for a moment.
    n1ZETjMCf - you always fire an extra projectiles when shooting forwards. Slightly decreases projectile damage.
    1suSpsW3w - reload speed boost (reload your gun faster)
    k7DYiQMnO - healing (restores portion of your HP)
    MxWhRiJSJ - gives yo 20% chance of restoring some HP after killing your enemy.
    jNLRtmy8i - your max HP increase and part of your HP is restored.
    Use the joystick to move to the target area. Great, continue through the gate. Release joystick to start shooting at enemy.
    how and where enter cheats code
    Author: Solarios
    About company, location
    title: Cheat Zombero archero hero shooter hack codes
    Published contact: The United States of America (USA), 228 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10003-1502, US
    Categories: GAMES HACK #zombero-archero-hero-shooter

    HOW & WHERE ENTER (tap >here<)!
    Hacked version, cheats codes - contact us: The United States of America (USA) New York City, 228 Park Ave S, NY 10003-1502

    damage - zmTVbdMJM
    attack speed - EYMID1d64
    magazine size - 7JrDFPjO2
    max health - CnvPzY9FO
    projectiles resistance - JQ2SWAx4b

    commando plasma rifle - t7lA7vjy4
    unlimited energy - A9iEbSFGH
    off ads - xxMtuFtlZ
    Church support crate - jQ6YOZFcS
    Vatican support crate - LwY9hLsTr
    Angel support crate - oxOdFreBb
    15000 gold - 2l70U6xBl
    16000 silver - OdTJV8MYc
    dodge boost (gives you a higher chance of avoiding damage) - sm8gh9Auh
    your projectiles pierce straight through your enemies and continue flying - Iddpjp8ot
    creates two fire boomerangs that orbit your hero - K0ounb5jV
    skill points - LUgiOtKB3
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